The EverydayStress Series
is designed for those troubled with anxiety. The form it takes is
independant and contingent i.e. each thought stands alone yet is
part of a bigger picture. Your responsibility as the reader is to
take this meditation on a page and make it your own.
Click Here
for Nine Stress Tips
Love & Consequences
Your past conflicts or corresponds to the present via your relationships,
defining how you see the world and how the world sees you.
Pages - 534KB - 3856 words
The Victims Hierarchy
For those who hurt:if you have been put down,beat up,or
done wrong, this book puts words to your feelings.
Example: |
The Victim's Jealously
To be jealous,one must feel victimized,
regardless of logic. |
Pages - 206KB - 3179 words |
begin the understanding of your anxiety, you need to understand
the basics of your behavior.
Example: |
Security of Habit:
Our habits provide comfort because they are certain,
even if they are painful. |
Pages - 145 KB - 3053 words |
The Biology of Anxiety
Building on the work of the first book, you will see
the affects of your bio-chemistry on your behavior.
Example: |
The Biology of Addiction
The lower the adrenaline and cortisol threshold,
the greater our probability of addiction. |
Pages - 184 KB - 3944 words |